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23456 Main Street Pittsfield, MA

Shop (the) Essence in Provincetown, MA

Time is our most precious resource. It’s the one thing we never get back, so soak up the present moment. Sink into it – you’ll find that you’ve already arrived. Embrace the possibilities of every moment through (the) Essence. Whether you’re looking to unwind after a long day; to soothe or sleep; to get active or creative; all are best done with a present mind. Our genetics are carefully selected, bred and pheno-hunted to deliver a spectrum of experiences, each intended to enrich the everyday. “Life is for living, it’s there for the taking, grant yourself no regrets.” -Unknown Time is always of (the) Essence but the possibilities of each moment are endless.

Product Space Mints | RSO
THC: 75%
CBD: 0.51%

(the) Essence

Space Mints | RSO

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